
Supporting our ideals until they become real.



Our sustainability for businesses

We dialogue constantly with a special dedication to listening, so that the relationship we build is constructive day after day. The needs of businesses thus become our own: supporting the development of companies with growth potential and relaunching companies that need concrete and loyal support to get going again. We devote all our experience to; entrepreneurs in order to generate value for their companies and for society as a whole.

Ideals such as fairness, integrity and support become real.

Fairness and integrity

We provide clear answers and financing solutions based on the development needs of individual companies.


We are a point of reference for businesses, providing solid expertise, effective tools and immediate resources.

Our sustainability for employees

We share corporate values with every Group employee through a Code of Ethics and Conduct that encompasses the principles that must inspire every resource and the moral constraints that govern the performance of all Group activities. We support the commitment of each of our employees and promote their training and professional growth.

Ideals such as ethics, fairness, integrity, protection of reputation and safety become a reality.

Fairness and integrity
Protection of reputation
Safety in the working environment


We expressly define the set of rights, duties and responsibilities that the Group assumes towards its stakeholders.

Fairness and integrity

We promptly report any misconduct.

Protection of reputation

Of employees, collaborators and the company: we promote compliance with behavioural guidelines on a daily basis.

Safety in the working environment

We spread a corporate culture aimed at safeguarding the health of employees and collaborators.

Our sustainability for suppliers

We also promote sustainable development in the selection of our partners. Through impartial, transparent and ethical work management, safeguards against conflicts of interest, guidelines, investment policies, ideals such as honesty, professionalism, morality, flexibility and firmness thus become real.

Honesty and morality

We select our partners on the basis of fair and transparent criteria, breaking off any commercial relationship that does not meet the Group’s ethical requirements.


We constantly check the standards and performance of our suppliers in order to keep the value of our external relations high.


We establish relationships based on collaboration and constant communication in order to ensure lean and effective management.


We demand that our partners respect the principles of the Group’s Code of Ethics, particularly in the areas of occupational safety, health protection and environmental protection.

Supporting the environment and our future, starting today.


A Group that is oriented towards the future of people and businesses must also think about the future of the planet. This is why environmental sustainability is a priority for our Group.


Banca CF+ recognizes the importance of reducing the environmental impact of all activities carried out as fundamental, through the implementation of the best practices currently available and the implementation of virtuous behaviours.


Therefore, we are committed to saveing energy, reduceing CO2 emissions, avoiding fuel waste and limiting waste production.


Banca CF+:


Paper consumption by promoting the digitisation of all internal processes.



The most advanced remote communication and video-call technologies to reduce travel and transfers of its employees as much as possible with the aim of helping to contain the production of CO2 related to means of transport.


To the reduction of waste production and the implementation of policies dedicated to separate waste collection.